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Daily Show Jessica Williams finds why white guys don’t like Obamacare

obamacareWell if there is anything that proves my long held believe that racism is not only the central political dynamic in America, but is also to blame for the United States being the only nation on Earth without a single payer health care system, THAT MAP IS IT.

There are a couple anomalies as there is in everything, But even South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Maine have Republican governors and republican legislatures. In fact in a few the Republican governors do want to put Obamacare into effect but their legislatures won’t let them.

And who do they think they are fooling?  They named the Affordable Health Care Act to OBAMACARE to  include the name of a BLACK MAN. It’s the whole point of all this. Many of my neighbors have no qualms about calling it NWORDCARE.

Down this way we have year round political yard signs that say PRAY FOR OUR NATION – Chronicles 7:14. Does anyone not know what that is about?  Well let me help you out.  It means ONLY GOD can help us now that a NWORD is in the White House.

Here in the South when politics comes up the most used phrase is… “I am not a racist but…” It came up for me even when I transferred a title for a little boat with a guy at a Whataburger. “I am no racist but, those black women at the Texas DNR are such c**ts.”  Out of the blue…