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Daily Show Larry Wilmore conversation on race

larry wilmore raceJust like white people not forcing Black people to have children out of wedlock, no one is forcing Bill O’reilly to be an a whole.

One thing about all this is there is no more hiding the racism inherent in the GOP. It is upfront, profound and ubiquitous. We see here even Republican blacks calling  Trayvon Martin a THUG. You know, these days 30 pieces of silver doesn’t go far.

One thing is sure, you don’t have to ask any of your Republican friends and acquaintances where they are on the Zimmerman issue.  I asked a few just the other day who they hated more, unarmed 17 year old Travyon Martin just walking home, or President Obama? They did have to think about that for a few seconds, but they all said they hate Obama more. In fact a few are on both Xanax and Prosac since he was elected the first time.  Republicans hate Barack Obama so much many have to use drugs to keep from going crazy and shooting things up. It’s a start to the conversation…