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Donald Trump’s History of Twitter Battles Far-Reaching – video

Donald Trump's History of Twitter Battles Far-Reaching - video

. Donald Trump is lashing out again on Twitter, of course, and the target is Grayson Carter,  editor of Vanity Fair. The long-standing feud between the two began in the eighties, when Carter famously described Trump as “a short-fingered vulgarian.” Trump must have had an inkling that the moniker was negative, as the feud has remained lively, escalating recently over a restaurant review which proclaimed- “Trump Grill Could Be The Worst Restaurant In America.” The review went on to describe the mediocre food and ‘tacky atmosphere.’ Could it be the same Trump?!

Fortunately Trump is skipping security briefings so he can stay on top of these  high caliber matters.  CNN : “He wields Twitter as a megaphone and as an insult machine.” Trump disagrees.
“I think I am very restrained and I talk about important things. Frankly, it’s a modern-day form of communication.”

“Restrained” is not Trump’s style. He is emotional, childish, petty and ill-advised in his 3 am rants. The king of twits most often shows his own ass. However, Trump’s ill-advised tweets can and do ruin reputations and endanger the safety and security of those who disagree with him. Trump’s online goon squad feels emboldened to harass and threaten those who speak out. As shown, a young woman who asked Trump a question at a rally is still suffering from threats over a year later.  I wonder how intimidating threats would be coming from the President of the United States and his rabid followers?