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Listen Up Electors Be A Hero, Vote for Anyone but Trump! – Video

Listen Up Electors Be A Hero, Vote for Anyone but Trump! - Video

. Martin Sheen and several other people you may know are reaching out to Electoral College voters, because in this most desperate hour, only the voters can save the United States. The sarcastic on the right will say that these are ‘liberal Hollywood elites’ – but they aren’t asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton.  At this point, the only chance we have, is to hold our noses and elect a Republican who is qualified to hold the position of President.  Someone who won’t embarrass us, someone who isn’t using the presidency to shore up his business ventures in foreign lands…And, someone who wasn’t put into office by the Russian government. Mitt Romney has never looked so good.

Thirty Seven Electors can be American heroes by voting their conscience for a real leader. Find local vigils and support rallies Dec. 18th here: http://www.vigilsforamerica.com (and on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/uniteamer…)