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Drumpf Files – A Seriously Funny Look at Trump’s Wind, Fracking, Nukes & Immigration – Video

Davey tackles fracking, the EPA, wind power, Nukes and immigrants – they all easily evade him, but alas,cousin Donnie Trump never runs very fast.

Dave Lippman, or Trump’s third cousin twice- removed – <wink> has a fixation with  Denmark, where they are out to steal God’s breath, a finite resource, for their own selfish power. True!  What can you expect from a  country which gets 49 % of their power from wind, and whose socialist President reminds us of Bernie Sanders..You may want to take a moment to compose yourself. If the idea of wind as a limited resource isn’t ironic enough coming from a politician, you’ll want to see the thoughts of Rep.Joe Barton (R-RX)  on wind power. Paraphrasing Dubya, Our kids ain’t been learnin’ for a very long time, judging by Barton’s theory.

Recently, Trump announced an initiative to go and take the oil from Iraq – saying ‘to the victor go the spoils!’ This unfettered idiocy clenches – um, jaws.. the world over, and endangers troops still stationed abroad. Robbing oil  is so much easier than – oh, say harassing wind, which is plentiful and sure doesn’t all come from the breath of God!

 This Just In: When a thin-skinned demagogue like Musso-Trump comes in, they don’t have to strip millions of their rights –  but strip rights from MILLIONS