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Drumpft Files 4: Trump vs Evil Environment, Black Lives, Job Lies, Dirty Talk – Video

By pulling out of the Paris Peace Talks, Trump is saving us from “The greatest threat to freedom and prosperity of the modern world.” The threat is of course, the environmental movement, according to  Trump transition lackey Myron Ebell. Thank goodness! I once thought ‘The greatest threat to freedom and prosperity of the modern world’ was Trump – and  climate change, along with some idiot lifting  regulations on the very corporations that befoul the earth, sea and sky.

Drumpt ‘Cousin’ Dave Lippman keeps up with the most “Super-callous-fragile-racist-extra-braggadocios” moron ever to stumble into the Oval Office. Most of the Donald’s buffoonery during his  terrible two first weeks is well documented, such as his travel ban and his disastrous phone calls.However, Lippman’s unique and humorous style takes the some of the sting out of the other issues that tend to percolate within Trump’s swamp, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, and Trump’s promise – or lie that he will bring back jobs.

One final thing that concerns Cousin Dave is that language in general has coarsened with our exposure to Trump, and I agree with Dave; “Kids shouldn’t have to feel their leaders don’t respect cats.”