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Ed Schultz, Psycho talk, Giuliani forgets 9 11, racist Glenn insults African Americans

I understand that the GOP is carried away by criticizing President Obama, most commonly by lies, it’s what they do. However, I cannot comprehend how – in his zeal, former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, known for trading the
9/11 tragedy as political currency could forget when or that 9/11 occurred! Next, Glenn Beck, the racist who can’t trust himself not to insult people of color – to their faces, feels safe and secure insulting them from the safety of his studio.

See Rudy Giuliani’s magic time machine, surely he has one. How else could he take every opportunity to state that there were no terrorist attacks during the Bush Administration!! I’m certain he’s aware of 9/11, he’s dropped that date at
every opportunity, reminding us that he was Mayor Giuliani, at the helm, bringing his city together again! He’s willing to spend all of the political currency he’s saved in an effort to find fault with President Obama. Obviously all terrorist attacks happened under another president’s administration,that seems to be the party line from all corners of Republican Land, now that they’ve learned to bend time.

After making the bone head remark again on Larry King, who has a much better memory, it appears. King gently tried to bring him back into the same time/space continuum. Rudy is unswayed, and launches into the second criticism where no
Republican should ever go, presidential response time.

I’m willing to bet that Lonesome Roads Beck doesn’t venture out of his white only gated community…just a guess. The man who called President Obama a racist, based on nothing shows us why he can’t have a friend of color, and should
avoid mention of his theories on the origin and use of the words "African American," in the same breath as "bogus."There’s much more with the always opinionated Beck.