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Olbermann, Palin’s ditzy disastrous pre debate preparation did she cause McCains defeat,

The book "Game Change" is full of insider revelations about Sarah Palin’s refusal to cooperate with anyone on John McCain’s staff, and other difficulties in the campaign. Let’s just say it. If you weren’t clued in, as you’ll see, she is a ditz bomb! John McCain R- AZ, may always wonder if he’d have had a chance with the running mate whom he’d seriously considered, former Democrat, Joe Lieberman. I wonder if he selects his own ties?

Ah memories! Do you recall the seemingly spontaneous moment in the Biden / Palin debate when she crossed and asked Vice President Biden "Can I call you Joe?" Not spontaneous, the entire performance was scripted. She couldn’t keep anyone’s name straight, nor did she put effort into it. Steve Schmidt confirms this and other incidents where she exhibited an astounding lack of focus, interest, or
participation in the preparations. Yes folks, she’d make a terrific president, keep those hopes flying! A wink has garnered her a wealth of support among America’s dim bulbs