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Fruitcake James Dobson says Obama has Fruitcake Beliefs

Dr James Dobson America’s leading intolerant Fundamentalist Evangelical Right-wing Christian and all around fruitcake says Barack Obama is not only interpreting the Bible wrong but he is also pushing a "fruitcake interpretation" of the Constitution. This from a conservative Republican who loudly says he will not vote for John McCain because a rabid pro lifer who wants more tax relief for the wealthy during a war he gleefully promotes is not CONSERVATIVE ENOUGH. What a Fruitcake! Dobson to Attack Obama Tuesday for Distorting the Bible, Having a "Fruitcake" Interpretation of the Constitution

America has its fair share of Ayatollahs and Taliban for which Dr. Dobson is now the most well known example. The clownish Jerry Falwell has gone to his maker and Pat Robertson when blaming Liberals for all death and diaster has pretty much gone senile, leavings Dobson at the top fruitcake in America.

As the new PEW research poll released yesterday tells us, though we are the most religious nation in the industrialized world, believing the craziest damn stuff imaginable is being actually REAL, we are not intolerant Fruitcakes like Dobson and his Taliban group Focus on the Family. Pew Research shows only about one third of Americans are Religious Fruitcakes