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George W Bush, Worse than Dogcrap? We report you decide

Bush leaves ted rall
Ted Rall rues the day for cartoonists above, and below a most unusual letter to the editor this morning in the Houston Chronicle from a Texan without referencing the NRA! I am amazed. 

Jan. 20, 2009: The nightmare ends. The recovery begins.

President George W. Bush’s failure to prevent the devastating attacks of 9/11, despite ample and explicit warnings. An unnecessary war, justified by lies and fear-mongering, that killed more than 4,000 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis. A country devastated and plunged into civil war and with millions of refugees driven from their homes. Nonexistent WMDs. Nonexistent ties with al-Qaida. Distortion and manipulation of intelligence. “Mission Accomplished.” Abu Ghraib. Gross violations of human rights, in direct violation of the Geneva Convention, including torture,”enhanced interrogation techniques,” indefinite detentions, “special renditions,” and other inhumane and degrading treatment of prisoners. Illegal, warrantless wiretapping and spying on innocent American citizens. Cover-ups and retaliation against critics. Stigmatizing critics as “unpatriotic” and saying that they “hurt the troops,” while warehousing seriously injured veterans in squalid conditions. Failure to bring Osama bin Laden to justice. Callousness and fecklessness as a major American city is devastated by a natural disaster. Appointing political hacks and inept “Brownies” to head important government agencies. Politicizing the Department of Justice and turning it into a gang of ideologically pure functionaries. Thwarting checks and balances on executive power. Nullifying laws with signing statements. Squandering billions of taxpayer dollars on “faith-based initiatives,” that is, fundamentalist evangelism. Gutting federal regulatory agencies by appointing industry hacks and lobbyists to head those agencies. Obscuring, obstructing and censoring science when its finding conflicted with ideology. Vetoing SCHIP health insurance for children. Doing nothing to address global warming. Promotion of worthless “abstinence only” sex-education programs. Thwarting vital stem-cell research. Gutting environmental rules and regulations. Unswerving loyalty to “his base” the “haves and the have mores.” A total failure of leadership, leading to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Spin, spin and more spin.
KEITH M. PARSONS, Friendswood, Texas

Mr Parsons covered it all quite well, though he did forget to include the single most offensive thing President Bozo suffered upon this nation.

In a time of war, his personal war, he reduced the taxes on the wealthy – who benefited and made no sacrifice – while he asked working class men and women to give their lives and then sent the bill for it all to our children and grandchildren. Taxing the unborn makes abortion look good.

That alone should force historians to put George W Bush into the worse than dogcrap Presidential pile.

Who would have thought that a President would one day come along to make Richard Nixon look good?

In George Bush’s defense it must be said that everything he did, he checked first with God who okayed it.  No need to ask questions when God’s on your side. So says Osama bin Laden, the Taliban and George W. Bush.