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Glenn Beck: GLEE song lyrics anti capitalist Marxist horror Propaganda Show

Don’t get him wrong, Beck is knocked out by the talent he perceives on GLEE, it’s brilliant he repeats numerous times. However, as the canary in the mine shaft of our national security and morality, we soon see that they are brilliant in a diabolical way, and Beck is rightly horrified!

Cue the Philco. On the magic color console TV Beck plays today’s offending number, the one which caused him to watch in "stunned horror!" Was it a scene sympathetic to a gay character, or one of the teen love scenes? The cast sings and dances both a blatant and a subliminal message of sweet propaganda straight into the tender brains of the young. In this case, the Marxist message is driven home through a number by My Chemical Romance. Innocently and passively, they are learning the false dangers of large corporations and our very own system of capitalism!
We gather that complete censorship would be better than this. Start with throwing the TV out, then move on the burn books. Knowledge is (self) empowerment, and ignorance is giving power to those who censor. 

The pinko commie song lyrics Beck highlights follow:

"Cleaned up, corporation progress
Dying in the process
Children that can talk about it
Living on the railways
People moving sideways

Sell it till your last days
Buy yourself the motivation
Generation nothing,
Nothing but a dead scene
Product of a white dream?"

Makes one want to hear what Glenn has to say about…

"Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"

We imagine his head would explode before even getting to the third stanza!