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Trump refuses to show tax returns as promised, Palin to smartyboots Katie Couric

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Anyone else would be uncomfortable, but Donald Trump isn’t just anyone – just ask him, or let him near a microphone, he’ll tell you how wonderful he is – and smart! Did we mention wealthy and well coiffed? Trump’s promise to Eliot Spitzer to release his tax returns when President Obama released his birth certificate seems to be a distant memory. Add ‘man of my word’ to his list of admirable attributes.

Sarah Palin is asked about Katie Couric’s move from CBS Evening News. Palin’s response is a carefully planned, multidimensional mangle of spite-filled sniping, and folks, she approaches this death-defying effort without a teleprompter!

Former New York State Sen. Vincent Leibell, who is guilty of tax evasion and obstruction of justice, has a charming proposal for the judge. Rather than take up more valuable prison space, Leibell has devised a federal sized community service plan, custom tailored to his abilities and desires.