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GOP is a circus act with Clown Donald Trump, birthers and teabaggers

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I thought I’d written the last about Donald Trump after all of his birther claims had been refuted, and his intention to run revealed as nothing more than advertising for his other enterprises. Once again, obviously I was wrong.

The New York Daily News has more to say about the sideshow Trump and his ilk have turned the overly anxious GOP into, with his adopted tribe the birthers and the Teabaggers tagging along. Even Sarah Palin had long ago dismissed the ridiculous birthers, but for The Donald – she’s back in the ring with an attaboy for him, and yet more reason for Republicans to secretly wonder if it was worth enjoining the common folk to envision themselves as part of their once-exclusive country club. The club is difficult to recognize lately with striped tents on the grounds and clown cars careening on the greens.