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GOP refuses to raise taxes even on corpo jets

There is no hope, we can’t even tax the luxury of corporate jets. Instead we fire teachers, reduce wages, reduce health care, reduce retirement and pensions while we build more prisons and drones.

There is no hope, the Republican combination of religious intolerance and selfish a wholes has won the day here in The United States of Duh. And since the Supreme Court Citizens United decree, things will only get worse.

Americans suck up to propaganda like no others. Look at the angst that a daily barrage of 3 years of SLUT! [insert picture of dead 2 year old here] SLUT! [insert picture of dead 2 year old here] SLUT! [insert picture of dead 2 year old here] SLUT! has caused. There is a mob of millions with a rope wanting to hang the SLUT! I am amazed so many women don’t get it. But I suppose it has to do with there being only one slut in America.

Our only hope for any real change is going from 5 to 4 Supreme court decisions to 4 to 5.

Impeach Clarence Thomas. For being nastyass IN YOUR FACE propaganda merchant he is. No other Supreme Court Justice has taken more money for cases he has direct interest in that Clarence Thomas. Abe Fortas resigned under threat of impeachment for FAR FAR less.