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GOP says wait for God to help you, Asay

Ask God for help and leave Republicans alone

Conservative cartoonist Chuck Asay gets the GOP economic plan down to the nut of it. Please notice the sleeves on the “charity” panel. that’s GOD!  Gosh… Out of a job? Go to church! Lose your health insurance? Pray! Can’t pay the bills? Ask the Osteens to pay for you. Of course you will have to get into the church firs to ask. For a family of 4 you can get floor tickets to one of his Joel’s sermons here at the old Rockets area in Houston – you will be one of 15,000 present (do the math) for only $384! Nose bleed seats for a family of 4 are only $160!  They are often sold out so beware God’s scalpers charge about double that. I wonder what Jesus charged for the Sermon on the Mount? I wonder if his mother took tickets for that crucifixion thing?


Evolution is a lie!
Climate Change is a hoax!
You will never die!
Racism is over!
Tax breaks for the wealthy trickle down for YOU!

There you have it! Who could not like that! Well besides people who don’t listen to talk radio all day and Fox News all night anyway…