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Government is the problem, assault rifles are the solution, Bagley cartoon

assault rifles are the answer

More Americans have died at the hands of radical, anti-government Americans since 9/11 than because of Islamic jihadist terrorism

Take our country back!  The Constitution! Freedom and liberty for White, English speaking, heterosexual non pregnant women!

YOU should never lose track of WHAT THE GUNS ARE FOR.  These so called people seem to consumed with Barack Hussein Obama and the coming race war. Filling homey arsenals with military assault rifles, 40 round clips and pallets of ammunition. Added up, more that than many countries.

But it goes beyond that poorly hidden racism and resulting anger generated by having their hard earned tax money going to support those lazy so called people around downtown somewhere.  It goes beyond that, the guns are also to get rid of YOU. or at the very least intimidate you into keeping your mouth shut or hiding under your bed. YOU who support equal protection, choice, gay marriage, secular government, gun control, evolution, universal health care and retirement, public education and of course to top that ugly list off global warming – they don’t even give a rat’s ass about the Earth itself yet alone anyone downtown somewhere.