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Government steps lightly on Jay Z and Beyonce in Cuba, Borowitz report

beyonce jay z cuba

Andy Borowitz seems to have the gist of why we should step lightly on traitors Jay Z and Beyonce for their sedition and treasonous act of having dinner in Cuba for their wedding anniversery. Another fine example of the NEW GOP repairing their brand with the young, women and African Americans.  Gosh… what boneheads.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Arguing that their recent trip to Cuba had made them “America’s No. 1 national-security threat,” a group of Republican lawmakers today called for tougher sanctions on the entertainers Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

“We must send a strong message to Beyoncé and Jay-Z that the United States of America will not tolerate this kind of provocation,” said Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Florida), who blamed President Obama for “permitting the crisis to escalate dangerously.”

“While the President has allowed himself to be distracted by North Korea, Beyoncé and Jay-Z were engaged in threatening activities right in our own hemisphere,” he said, charging the President with being “soft on Beyoncé.”

Echoing his sentiments, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen called for the “toughest economic sanctions possible to isolate the growing threat posed by Beyoncé and Jay-Z.”

But while economic sanctions may be politically popular, White House spokesman Jay Carney cautioned that they would probably have little to no effect: “Right now, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have more money than the U.S. government does.”