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Gun Nut Head, Bill Day Cartoon

gun nut head

I wish more pundits would follow my lead and use the kinder gentler term GUN ENTHUSIASTS rather than GUN NUTS.

nra jim porterThe new President of the NRA, Bob Porter came out yesterday to say this in not just about guns, this is a cultural war. His appointment as President of the NRA confirms that. A fat, old, Alabama Christian who calls THAT WAR the War of Northern Aggression, claims President Obama is a FAKE PRESIDENT. Cultural war indeed!
The 70,000 attendees for the NRA gunfest here in Houston is the biggest turnout in recent memory, and all the cars driving by and honking their horns in support. There is a tiny group of protestors with a few of the Newtown Parents across the street. I am pleased to say none of them have  been shot at yet.

Bit topic of discussion is that on the arrival day a 29 year old gun enthusiasts walked into Terminal B at Bush Intercontinental Airport with a Bushmaster AR15 shot a round in the air, was shot in the shoulder by a security guard, and then shot himself in the head with a 9mm hand gun. Some in the NRA are claiming it was an agent provocateur trying to make the NRA look bad for their anual get together.

Celebrity NRA Gun Enthusiasts Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin, Alec Jones, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck were on hand to give the convention it’s intellectual bite.