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Jennifer Hudson explains Afordable Care Act

jennifer hudson ACAHey, a Hottie with a PSA!  I like it.  After the Tea Party Ugly is dead and buried, which age demography suggests it shouldn’t be too long a wait, Obamacare will have a name chang to the ACA.

Speaking of which. In my local paper here we have three regulars in the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR area. Tea Party Ugly, Birthers, bigots one and all.  They all came out screaming this week when some rare local liberal was allowed to write in with a putdown of Texas for electing a nitwit like Ted Cruz. All three came back with the same basic response. The person must be a Yankee or a foreigner and needs to get out of Texas back to Kenya or wherever they Hell they came from. [43% of Texans voted for Obama twice.]

Here is the good news. One of them was shown in the paper at a Tea Party convention in the park. Looked to be in his 80s. Another recently added the anecdote that he was celebrating his 60th wedding anniversary, and the worst of the bunch signed his last screed as a World War 2 Veteran. So it shouldn’t be too long a wait  now. No thanks to subsidized Plavix and Hyzaar.

I went to the big Tea Party Ugly rally here at the park a couple years ago. Parking lot was filled with highend SUVs and crewcabs. The attendees were 100% white and 90% 60 and above. With lots of walkers, scooters and small coolers full of insulin and or Hostess products. Screaming about Socialism, the Welfare State and Moochers on the dole. I would guess almost all of them on Social Security and Medicare. This is Texas afterall, where guns make up for smart.