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John McCain accepts endorsement of Christofascist Pastor John C. Hagee

John McCain trying to kiss the ass of the worst thing in America, the Christian Right, accepted today the endorsement of Christofascist Pastor John Hagee.

Bill Moyers Journal covered this issue a few months ago on PBS which scared my pants off. It’s a look into the organization Christians United for Israel led by Pastor John C. Hagee. In short it is a universal call to all Christians to help factions in Israel fund the Jewish settlements, throw out all the Palestinians and lobby for a pre-emptive invasion of Iran. All to bring Russia into a war against us, causing World War III, followed by Armageddon, the Second Coming, and The Rapture so these Evangelicalfascists can all go to Heaven in their lifetime. The wholesale thirsty enjoyable murder of 7 billion people. And of course the Jews who now support them will all go to Hell. And Catholics! And they call Muslims crazy murdering fascists?

This all revolves around what is called Dispensationalism. We live in the Sixth Dispensation with the Seventh being what is often called the Millennium or the End Times. So popular is this thirst to have everyone in the world killed, that Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind series has sold 65 million copies.

This is not some little group of misfits; they include Jerry Falwell’s organization, Pat Robertson and his gang, 50,000 evangelical preachers and even Billy Graham. They are prodded on by the the Likud, the powerful Israeli Lobby, American Neoconservatives and as you see in the video, supported by Republican Presidential candidate John McCain, megalomaniac Newt Gingrich and Texas Senator John Cronyn to name a few. As was the case in 2002 and early 2003 the war drums are beating once again not only throughout the GOP, a  pre-emptive war with Iran seems inevitable, and if George Bush and comapany can pull it off in the next few months, that will be TWO of the worst mistakes in human history by ONE guy! And there seems to be no helping ourselves. It’s more about relilgion than it is oil, two competing EVANGELICAL religions saying my way or the high way, Evangofascism.

Though the video speaks for itself but I would like to add something.

I was having an argument the other day about absolutes when my adversary claimed there was no such thing. I pondered that and indeed found it problematic. It took a few days but I finally came up with the only one I could. 100% of those who have said the world was coming to an end in their lifetime have been 100% wrong 100% of the time.