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Jon Stewart, Easter Super Heroes and Passover

Once one begins to question religion as a youngster – if the brain washing is incomplete as it was in my case because my parents trusted me at 13 years old to go to confession and church on my own [that’s Saturday afternoon AND Sunday Morning runied] – the questions can become so big there is no turning back. Brain wash your children well! Home schooling is the key… 

Once questioning, as one gets older and contemplates the actual theology, one can become overwhelmed by the crazy. Original Sin? WTF is that? It makes no sense at all. Babies are born full of someone else’s sins. Well other than Republican babies. Moving on with the crazy wouldn’t you know it’s the WOMAN as the corrupting force of mankind. Then my favorite the KILL YOUR SON joke. Already its a pile of horrible crap!

Jon brings another one to mind I never gave much thought to before. Passover – where GOD kills every little innocent boy in Egypt. A mass murderer of children. To what end? To release slaves! That message sure did not get through to Southern Christianity here in this country, let me tell you!

If there were a supernatural belief system with a theology that actually made sense and promoted tolerance and inclusion then fine, but what we have here in  America is a perversion of Jesus Christ and we all know it. Well, except for the irrational. Andrew Sullivan did the cover story for Newsweek on this recently. Christianity in Crisis