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Jon Stewart Gay Watch, Iowa more progressive than New York

Whenever the term "marriage" enters the issue it all goes to Hell in a dirty little hand basket. What’s really needed of course is the passage of the ERA amendment, including both women and gays which REAL Americans will never ever allow happen.

I will give the benefit of the doubt to those who balk at the word "marriage". But anyone who wishes do deny equal rights to gays – to deny their partnerships the same rights as married couples enjoy – are bigoted a wholes who are usually part of some bigoted a whole religion.

While I am on this subject, how about these Catholic Bishops sticking their noses between the legs of pregnant women. Pushing their religion intolerance into our government, our elections and our politics.

How about this? Every time they stick their noses into this or any matter to do with sex,  prefix your reply to them with…

"After you remove your face from that woman’s crotch and remove that little boy’s dick from your mouth, let’s discuss this in an adult manner…" Prefix to any Catholic Bishop who shoves their religious intolerance and bigotry into our government.