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Jon Stewart gives CNN a much deserved Kick in the Head

This is way overdue. Way overdue! About time!
Hear! Here! Bunch of Goat____s!

I took CNN off my remote more than a year ago because they give a disgusting racist pig by the name of Lou Dobbs an hour of their programming everyday. I am sorely disappointed that so many respectable reporters employed by CNN choose to share the stage with such a repellent piece of human crap.

Jon Stewart in this video – without needing to mention him – explains why CNN does not send Dobbs to Fox News where he belongs [as they did with Glenn Beck last year.]

My respect for everyone connected with CNN has gone out the window and I have not nor I watch CNN until Dobbs is sent packing. I wonder how many Latinos have removed CNN from there remote since Dobbs has been on his rampage for so many years now? I would guess for Hispanics Fox News is less offensive than CNN, after all, the FOX people have a long long list of groups of people they hate while Dobbs on CNN is specifically out to get just them. Has CNN become a Hispanic Free network?

The problem here is profit driven NEWS which Walter Cronkite can no longer warn us against. Though CNN invented the concept, it now plays a very second fiddle to the far more successful Fox News Network.

CNN has learned that one must not offend Bud drinking, pickup truck driving, car insurance buying, credit report clicking, Viagra dropping, NASCAR going, Hostess eating, gun wielding white crackers. It is not so much saying something non conservative – which for a generation has been defined as Liberal – as it is what Stewart is getting at here. That to argue with a Republican on screen gets the crackers all riled up and moving to Fox. They are whispered words of wisdom, let it go, let it go…   

Watching mostly MSNBC for a year now I have found it palatable. I am an early riser so I get a few hours of conservative poo-poo every morning with Joe Scarborough, his weaktit co-host Mika and a gang of radically moderate pundits. Then comes a couple hours of Dylan Ratigan who is more Libertarian than Liberal and is often hard to figure. Then a day of far more balanced news than Fox until 4pm when moderate Democrat Chris Mathews comes on with Hardball followed by the evening Liberals Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. None of whom we need to watch because Newscat does it for us and lets us know whats happening there!