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Jon Stewart, Keystone Pipeline and Chiseldicks

Just because carving dicks on Mount Rushmore creates jobs, does not make it a good idea

Carving dicks on Mount RushmoreJust as doing the wrong thing increases corporate profits doesn’t make that a good idea either. Here the danger is to the Nebraska / Kansas aquifer, the added dirty burn so much of it around the world and the profit going to a Canada company.

Sure, Keystone is doing the wrong thing for us and the world, well so say the smart people anyway, but I will give it to Republicans as a bargaining chip for something else. Like putting a dog muzzle on Ted Cruz. The sour apple does not fall far from the crabapple tree.

This thing about smart people versus the stupidity of the American people is nothing new. Look how many people voted for Barack Hussein Obama. Who was calling all of them stupid just a year or so ago. 95% of African Americans vote for Democrats. Who thinks they are all idiots?

The thing about stupid versus smart is that it knows few boundaries, nobody really likes a smartypants. Let me ask you. If you had two front row tickets to ACDC would you take you smartypants friend or your dumb pal? Who is going to be more fun, George Will or Butthead?

There is a lot to be said for nitwits. They are fun to be with, they make us laugh, they help boost our ego… Having a dumb friend is much like a parent having a retarded kid. A little extra love and attention seems to come on automatic. But please, though there is no way to keep them from voting like the Republicans found to keep minorities, the young and the poor from voting, they have no business in elected or appointed office. Not even in East Texas. Or the whole state of Oklahoma.