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Kentucky Libertarian Party dumps Libertarian Rand Paul

Just as we were coming to terms with what a Libertarian is, this fly drowns in the ointment.

The Kentucky Libertarian Party says it will run its own candidate for the Senate because Rand Paul is not of of them. Them! The Movie! Rand Paul faces possible challenge, staff shake-up

So is Rand Paul too conservative for the LP or not conservative enough? It’s often very hard to tell exactly with the aptly called Looneytarians, though in this case the words abortion, gay, Afghanistan and hemp seem to have risen to the top of the list of complaints. So in this case Rand Paul is too conservative for the LP. But then again, Rand Paul has not publicly called for the repeal of Social Security, Medicare and public schools, so he is also too liberal for them.

But who knows for sure, in the silly realm of Randian fantasy real world application to Libertarian ideology results in some variation of a Mad Max movie.

Hey! Mad Max movies are a lot of fun. But sporting an orange Mohawk with a crossbow fixed to one arm while carrying a shotgun in the other and running people down on a motorcycle day in and day out could get stressful after a time. Well outside of Texas anyway. Rack Jite Libertarian Pages