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Larry Wilmore, Koch brothers boycott products

Larry Wilmore Koch brothers boycott productsOh no, I don’t use any of those Koch Brothers products, and besides if this picture or video were to go viral, there would be a run on the stuff. Like the constant long line at my local Chic Fil A and the crowded parking lot at my local Hobby Lobby. Or no place to park at the nearby Cracker Barrel – though that has a lot to do with one of the largest trailer parks around bordering their parking lot. Or the run on Florida Orange Juice when Rush Limbaugh was their spokesman.

No, what the Koch Brothers do is move oil, gas and coal around. They are in the middle of all of it, kind of like ENRON but too big to fail. Their life blood is to ensure that the entire world burns more fossil fuels in as dirty a manner as they can get away with. For after all, a net worth of $42 billion is not enough for them.

Most of the funding for climate change denial comes from the Koch Brothers. It is okay though, because those who want to foul the land, air, water and put the Earth itself in jeopardy are morally equivalent to those who want clean land, air, water and want to save the Earth. Equal time.  Media must be fair.

Much like sitting in a bunker shooting people half a mile away who don’t get to see it coming beging morally equivalent to going over the top into machine gun fire toward hand to hand bayonet combat at Verdun. Or walking point in the Mekong Delta. Hey even a kid standing up to a bully on a playground is more heroic.

Update: Though I did get the Chris Kyle lie about shooting and killing a couple guys who tried to steal his truck, and the lie about punching out Jesse Ventura who defamed our troops, I forgot to mention his even bigger lie saying he shot and killed about 30 African American looters during Katrina. Not one shred, not one nanonit of evidence for any of it. At all. From anywhere.

Key Front Groups Taking Koch Money And Doing Their Dirty Work

From 1997 to 2011, the Kochs funneled over $67 million to organizations who are working in lockstep with the Kochs’ agenda while presenting themselves as experts. Some top recipients of Koch money include:

And none of that shows how much they give to climate change denier politicians.