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Las Vegas CNN Republican War Review, Rack Jite

Las Vegas CNN Republican Debate Review, Rack Jite

Terrorist death toll in America from September 12, 2001 to December 16, 2015
Muslim Terrorism – 45
Right-wing Terrorism – 48
With a steady decline in terrorism in that 14 year period

It’s WAR, war with ISIS, war with Syria, War with Iran and even War with Russia while it is imperative that our “weak feckless President Obama” must be replaced before it’s too late and American is destroyed by a 30,000 man army wandering around in the rubble of the Middle East with assault rifles in pickup trucks.

Rick Santorum calls it World War 3! Ted Cruz says bomb them until the sand glows. Ben Carson wants to carpet bomb the whole place. Donald Trump wants to kill their mothers, fathers, wives, children, babies and fetuses. With all of them calling for massive military build up and to hell with the political correctness, so we can purposefully bomb the crap out of civilians.

The coup de grace of the night came from the main stream moderate Republican Chris Christie who gleefully said that being from New Jersey he would shoot down any Russian plane flying over Syria. So it’s good to know that these Republicans are not afraid of starting a war with the nation that has10,000 nukes and a delivery system reaching Iowa.

Correction. I mistakenly said ALL not a few times when Rand Paul was the only adult in the room last night to hold back on military buildup and war. About time he did something worth a crap.

Marco Rubio got the loudest applause upon entering the stage, Rand Paul got the loudest whooping and hollering for talking down war and Hugh Hewitt got the most boos for asking Ben Carson if he would kill thousands of civilians. The media is the enemy.

The all also agreed that compared to 14 dead in San Bernardino Global Warming and the president’s concern about it is absurd and ridiculous. 200 nations and thousands of political parties including conservatives say that Global Warming is our most serious issue. The entire world except, talk radio, Fox News and American Republicans running for president. I hear half of Republicans now accept Global warming as does Exxon Mobile, oh and all insurance companies now for a decade.

Oh, there was no mention at all of radical Christian terrorist Robert Dear Jr in Colorado Springs a few weeks ago.

Pundits say Ted Cruz won and Marco Rubio lost, but I am not so sure, Chris Christie wanting to shoot down Russian planes is pretty popular with the Republican Base. Hey Jesus is coming to murder 7 billion people in their lifetime anyway so what’s a couple years matter.