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Last Week Tonight, John Oliver: U.S. Evangelicals Incite Ugandan Gay Persecution

Last Week Tonight, John Oliver: U.S. Evangelicals Incite Ugandan Gay Persecution

On ‘Last Week Tonight’ with John Oliver, Ugandan gay rights activist Pepe Julian Onziema makes a guest appearance.First, John readies to celebrate recent LGBT rights milestones in the United States…And there is much to celebrate! Bring out Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty popping out of a cake and the dancing girls! So far, nineteen states and DC have legalized gay marriage and no catastrophes of biblical proportion have (immediately) followed. Not that we don’t deserve them, for reasons soon to be disclosed.

By way of contrast, Uganda has become much more oppressive. The Ugandan President recently signed sweeping anti-gay laws, which ensure long prison terms for homosexuals, and violent persecution is at an all-time high. These are the very sort of widespread crimes against humanity in which the U.S. involves ourselves…And, in a sense, we are involved.  We caused them!  The horrible atrocities are a result of U.S. intervention and funding.

After failing to halt gay marriage in the U.S., evangelicals and nutters set sail for Uganda. While gay marriage was already illegal in the country, it wasn’t until the U.S. God Squad began to incite intolerance further, that persecution escalated to unimaginable levels, and prison sentences for those guilty of being found gay were passed into law.
These are the do-gooders who align homosexuality with pedophilia, bestiality and Nazis. Uganda would do well to start over and put a ban on incoming traffic from the U.S..

The U.S. which any conservative will tell you, doesn’t have the funds to throw away on sexual education and birth control information, sent $40,000 to Uganda – to teach abstinence. It seems to be a simple concept – maybe translators are very expensive?  Not to be left out, American Canyon Ridge Church in Vegas sends funds to Martin Ssempa, a certifiable nut, and Ugandan ‘pastor’ who holds his audience spellbound with gay fetish prom, and begins his ‘sermon’ with, “Do you know what they’re doing in the bedroom?!”  “I’ve done the research and I have the information,” he confides. Does he ever! The taste, the smell, the touching…He has immersed himself in his work!  This film truly has to be viewed, words are inadequate, I think you’ll agree.

In an interview, which is more of an inquisition, Ssempa pins Pepe Onziema down, while he demonstrates his extensive knowledge of bananas, cucumbers and other phallic-shaped fruit that can be used for mischief!   It is a grilling, and Onziema has no chance to speak, faced with the assault.

That is why it is wonderful to see Pepe Julian Onziema live, onstage with John Oliver!  Onziema is among friends, but answers honestly, “No”  when John asks if he thinks this law would have happened if not for U.S. influence.

An apology from John (for us) for the beatings and arbitrary arrests garners a “sorry doesn’t cut it.”  Who can blame him. Join us for part two tomorrow, when Onziema talks about what it is like to live under this regime in Uganda, where although he is not safe, he has no intention of leaving or being cowed by fear.