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Maddow: Genius joker Herman Cain is a performance artist!

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The obvious is often the most difficult to see, but for Rachel Maddow the pieces have just fallen into place and what Herman Cain is doing could not be more obvious – now.

I’ve often thought that no one could be this dim and run for public office, and it’s true. He’s just having us all on, Onion style. Why his poll numbers continue to rise with each new silly bit is for political anualysts to compute and supporters to discuss with their therapists.

At last, this explains that half-leering ‘smile’ in Cain’s recent ad. He has a secret joke and it’s on all of us! Follow Rachel as she begins with the beautiful ‘inspirational poetry’ Cain introduced in a Presidential debate. The ‘poet’ was Pokemon! The number 999 (also of Sim City) spreads out into even more special meanings than we knew before. The plot thickens quickly as his clues are spread like bread crumbs unseen by blind children in the political forest. Cain’s mysterious campaign ads, no staff, and complete disinterest in world affairs are too absurd to believe – and he’s shocked, shocked I tell you that some are not drinking his kool aid. I truly think that when you see the entire puzzle Rachel has laid out by foxy Herman Cain, you too will know that performance art isn’t dead and Republicans never do get a joke!