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Olbermann Worst: Sherman Frederick Las Vegas Review Obama bash, Glenn Beck, Michael Steele

This compilation of Worst contains a cacophony of strong and inaccurate words. Sherman Frederick prints Obama fantasies, Glenn Beck is vocalizing them, and Michael Steele isn’t getting along very well with his own RNC – grinching..
"I’ve had enough, fire me or shut up!" He’s voiced other options I’m certain he’d much rather put into action.

Gold: Sherman Frederick, publisher of the Las Vegas Review Journal. As honcho, he’s free to write Op-Eds such as his recent criticism of President Barack Obama’s handling of the Christmas terrorism attempt, and "the war on terror."
Unfortunately, it was not only fact-free, but conveniently forgetful of the Bush Administration, which unlike Obama, did not address anyone for days, much less meet with intelligence to find and correct the failure to connect the dots.
Frederick prefers to ignore the many terrorists who carried out their plans, and most egregious of all, an administration that did dismiss the "red flags a’plenty."

Silver: Glenn Beck, frequent visitor from Fox. Drama is on, mama! He is trembling, frightened for America. In Beck World, even President Obama’s press conferences aren’t the love fests that George Bush’s alleged press conferences were. Some called them farcical. Beck recalls them as the halcyon days, while planting blatant lies about what hostility President Obama will show if pressed about his "blatant lies." Implications work wonders for the dim witted, plugged into Fox Snooze.

Bronze: Michael Steele, RNC Chairman. Steele has had it I tell you! Some of the party faithful are grumbling, a treasonous act, to be sure. He has a lot to tell them, the ungrateful deleted expletives! To top the frosting on his poopie cake, the Washington Times is ruining his book tour with pesky ol’ ethics rules. See the details, details in the video!