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Marijuana and Murder: Similarities between Ben Carson and Barack Obama

weed and murder
Which item does not belong?

This is the third example of eight linking Ben Carson and Barack Obama together. It is from a MLive which is a conglomerate of small local weekly newspapers in Michigan, the author is Julie Mack who is the education writer in the Kalamazoo edition.  Here is the entire Article

3. Both Carson and Obama were less-than-model youths.

Obama has acknowledged using drugs in high school and college. In fact, Obama and his high school friends were so was enamored with pot that his and his friends called themselves the “Choom Gang,” choom being a slang term for marijuana. In his senior yearbook, Obama offered a shoutout to his hippie drug dealer.

Carson says he had a hot temper as a youth that could turn violent. He once threatened his mother with a hammer, but his brother intervened. In another incident, he tried to stab a classmate in the stomach with a knife, and the classmate was uninjured only because his belt buckle stopped the knife.

There you have it!  A young man who smoked weed at Harvard is the same as a young man who tried to kill his mother with a hammer and stabbed a classmate in the stomach with a knife. Two cases of attempted murder can’t but help a Republican running for office.

You remember Ben Carson? His 15 minutes have been extended to 15 months now for saying “Obamacare is the worst thing since Slavery!” A black man saying what White Republicans most like to hear from that Mint Julep gang.

Ben Carson is all but running for President, especially now after leaving Fox News. That move of course is so both can keep their fair and balanced bona fides intact. But just the other day in an interview on Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network – Dr Ben can also be seen and read regularly at credible websites like Glenn Beck’s THE BLAZE and Joe Farah’s WORLDNETDAILY.

“If you talk to God, you are praying. If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.” Thomas Szasz

Since then Dr Ben explained it is not yet a done deal, for he is waiting for “God to call” and feels “the fingers of God” grabbing him by the collar. [In Christian terminology FINGERS OF GOD are tornadoes]

Hopefully Ben Carson will be riding “knifegun” in next year’s Republican clown car giving high entertainment value to all of us in the Presidential primaries the following year. A good replacement in melding Herman Cain, Alan Keyes and Michele Bachmann but worse.

Oh and it looks like other schizophrenics Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee will also be in the GOP clown car.