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Michele Bachmann says No work then No Food for You!

The Alyona Show awarded Michele Bachmann the Tool Time award for her speech to the Family Research Council. Defending the coveted last place in the GOP Candidate roster calls for telling the people what they want to hear, and she painted them an irresistible picture.

Imagine a world where no one gets money handed to them. If they don’t work due to sickness, the highest unemployment since the Great Depression or outsourcing – then as gawd is her witness, they will not receive a dime! Starvation is a great motivator, or so it is believed in these circles. Pulling yourself up by your raggedy bootstraps is good exercise and builds character too!

I know Bachmann has ample insurance unlike most Americans. That being the case, she should get her blocked vision checked. Bachmann has difficulty seeing her farm subsidies and the money given to Tubby’s ‘Pray Away the Gay’ clinic as welfare. I can see the difference. After all, they didn’t need the money to house or feed their family – in Republican circles it’s what respectable business people are owed – it’s not the same thing at all!