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Mornin’ Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski New Year’s eve Party with Trump!

Mornin' Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski New Year's eve Party with Trump!

Morning Joe Scarborough is very very upset, angry, mad and beside himself over this photo of him and his main squeeze Mika Brzezinski at The Donald’s big New Year’s even party at Mar-a-Lago. A tweet storm, daily rants on his MSNBC show with Mika nodding along and now a Washington post editorial where he compares himself to Ben Bradlee, Joseph Alsop, Walter Lippmann and Edward R. Murrow.

Prickly Scarborough Defends Trump Meetings, Compares Them to Ben Bradlee and JFK

He claims it is bogus because it was well before the party began [it was dark out and the champagne was flowing], that he and Mika were not dressed in formal wear, they met him in his upstairs office though you can see back of The Donald’s head with them at the party, they wore no funny hats, blew no horns, kissed no strangers and they were only there to try and get him on their show next week meeting him in his upstairs office.

So these two New York City wabbits left the big NY celebration down the street from where they live, flew to Mar-a-Lago, crashed The Donald’s New Year Eve party in the dark wearing Oskosh by Gosh coveralls, all just to get him on their show. They visit The Donald at Trump Towers and talk to him on the phone all the frigging time! Gosh.

Joe Scarborough, once a congressman from the most right-wing hillbilly region in America, the Florida Panhandle [which is best known for shooting doctors in the back] and now a loud obnoxious conservative pundit on MSNBC – second only to The Donald in ego and narcissism – believes himself to be a journalist in the vain of Edward R. Murrow. You know a journalist like Sean Hannity once was because he too once made it all fair by having a foil in a mousy liberal lackey to ride into the ground. Alan Combs and the insufferable politically correct Mika Brzeninski. Over the past year or so Joe and Mika have had more hotel sex than most of the rest of us have had in a lifetime. We need more stories about that to really set them off.

I might also add that being no fan of celebrities, cooking or lipsyncing music outside a window in New York City, I have watched Joe and Mika most every morning for 6 or 7 years. I know the players and will miss many of the co hosts and regulars I got adjusted to, but watching the two of these JOURNALISTS suck up to The Donald for a year, on November 9th it just became too much and I went cold turkey. I tried CNN for a few days but realized it was cable news on constantly in the background that was the problem. Like the old days I have found that reading a few newspapers and about 15 minutes of TV news a day will do just fine. Though for THIS I need about an hour of political surfing each morning.