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Mrs. Betty Bowers: America's Best Christian Pageant, Biblical Talent Competition!

Betty Bowers: America's Best Christian Pageant, Biblical Talent Competition!

Newly-crowned “America's Best Christian,” Mrs. Betty Bowers (Deven Green), gossips-in-Christ about the pageant with rival Sister Darlene (Nadya Ginsberg. Was there ever any doubt who would win – yet again? Betty has an 'in' with an important judge! Speaking of judgement, no one beats Betty in the Judgement category. However, when it comes to talent, the girls are hard on the multi-talented Mrs. Tennessee – could it be jealousy? Judge ye for yourself. It's no small feat to recite the Lord's Prayer backward, in tongues – while twirling rattlesnakes!  With so many denominations in our great land, it is difficult, if not downright unfair to judge a contestant from a snake handling sect against a non-reptilian denomination.  Each have their strengths, and if the pageant doesn't diversify, I fear it will go the way of all pageants, bathing suits and evening gowns – and a re-do after the winner's sex tapes are unearthed. It's time to stop the madness Betty!