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NAACP, Racism and Tom Trancedo Tea Party LITERACY TEST speech

Covering this issue earlier this week brought this video to my attention.
NAACP calls Tea Party racist! Tea party proves their point!
It is from Tom Trancedo at a Tea Party rally in February 2010.

You see the problem, unless of course you are a racist.

The long seconds of cheering you hear FROM the Tea Party REGULARS, MASSES, MAJORITY out in front of the stage after Trancedo expresses his longing for Jim Crow literacy tests – means the recent calls for the Tea Party to remove racism and racists from their ranks screams out that the entire mess of them drink the Kool Aid.

But the Republicans will find some House Negro Right-wing African American preacher that proves otherwise. When it comes to owning up to our collective racism in this country, ONE gram of a contrary example makes the ton of evidence unprovable, which means you can’t say it on TV.  THIS is not TV.

Take the video as you will, but it contains one undeniable fact. That whistling, cheering, foot stomping and clapping when someone suggests bringing back Jim Crow literacy tests is RACISM from RACISTS. And the main stream media is afraid to say so for two reasons. They will lose share to FOX and though the Tea Baggers may be a lot of things, mad-angry and unarmed are not any of them.