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Obama Analyzes Verizon Customers’ Text Messages, on Jimmy Fallon

Obama Analyzes Verizon Customers' Text Messages,  on Jimmy Fallon Obama has some important advice for Craig – which he’d do well to heed if he wants to hold onto Katie! There is a good side to the privacy debate.

Privacy hysteria (or awareness) is  at a much higher level than when the Patriot Act debuted hot on the heels of the Twin Towers Attack on September 11, 2001. It appeared then that Americans were willing to give up privacy almost without question at the time. Not-so much now!  People are fearful of what the government is ‘hearing or seeing’ on their phones…Those plastic face implants most seem to wear 24-7.

The official word is that only locations and suspicious patterns  are tracked, not personal information or the conversations of average Americans..But what if they are listening? Imagine the juicy details ‘they’ are seeing in the average run of texts. It’s as snooze-inducing as it is improbable!