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Obamacare, the greatest Teabagger interviews, FOD

Intrepid undercover Teabagger, Terrance Bagger goes into the heart of Teabagger Central. Here we learn that the innocuous sounding Affordable Care Act is a one way ticket to fascism! For the first time ever, I do agree with the ‘Baggers. They maintain that this country is becoming more like Nazi Germany every day… And I can see that. If ever a group of ninnies were ripe for the picking by a fascist windbag – it’s the fine folks at Teabagger Central.

Of course, they imagine Obama as the dictator in shiny black boots; while I see gullible crowds ready to fold up their chairs, and ice up their coolers to follow a leader – a white leader. He will be a defender of the second amendment…Not that it’s been threatened. Did I mention he’ll be white? He will protect them from the federal government and (gasp) creeping socialism! Just keep the Social Security checks and Medicare coming, via the federally-run U.S. Mail.