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ONION: Romney Lost Because He DID Reveal GOP Message To Minorities

ONION : Romney Lost Because He DID Reveal GOP Message To Minorities

We've all seen Mitt-Ann Romney's interview with Chris Wallace, in which they lament losing the 2012 election.  I hyphenate their names in the fashion of famous Siamese twins Chang-Eng for reasons which are apparent if you saw the interview.  Romney claims that his message wasn't communicated well to minorities and middle class Americans – or as we've come to know ourselves, the 47%.   Once again The Onion hits the Truth squarely on the nose, stating  that far from failing to communicate his message, Romney delivered the sentiments of the wealthy and uncaring GOP perfectly.   Says Romney, in a rare burst of insight,(according to the Onion)  ” I just flat out failed at shielding those people from my policies.”  ” We have to get back to confusing minorities into thinking the Republican  message is something that might be positive for them. “
