Keith Olbermann apologizes for being " a little over the top" lately, after Jon Stewart holds a mirror for him via the miracle of video.…
Rush Limbaugh projects anti-Semitism in hasty attack on Obama and the Jewish banker stereotype. Unanswered questions regarding Sen.Scott Brown’s own sexism and vulgarity are raised,…
Putting the fun in fundamentalist
This is great! Fox News… Gosh… The two Obamas!
What a banner week for the Republican Party! HOLY HOCKEYLOCKERS! We find in Massachusetts that the American CENTER will take George W. Bush over Barack…
While art is in the eye of the beholder, at first glance, Paul Larson of Everett, Wa seems a bit daft when you first see…
As Don Moose Lewis, (who claims he is not racist ) is discovering, whites – "the minority," aren’t rushing out to support his "product they…
In his Quick Comment, Keith asks conservatives and liberals alike, "Who’s gonna stop them?" The Supreme Court ruling ending limitations on campaign financing will hand…
I just could not pass up that title… Ladies and Gentleman, the new American Celebrity Family! Starring the only United States Senator with clothesless pictures…
The change at the White House will have at least one great moment. At the upcoming presidential inauguration Aretha Franklin will be singing wearing her…
Everything is OK, Scott Brown drives a truck! This election was decided by Independents who do not want equal justice for terrorists, or pay for…
This insult,coming from one of the nations premier psychos?!! I believe I’d be extremely offended were it anyone with the slightest credibility. Glenn Beck doesn’t…
Don’t say Glenn Beck didn’t warn you, we have another Gary Condit, Chandra Levy headed this way! Gretchen Carlson takes another seat on Fox and…
Christian Bible quotes on the telescopic sites of US Military sniper rifles! Jesus blesses those who shoot others from very far away. And be looking…
President Obama turned out not to the Magic Negro white people expected. But he did make that 3 pointer and has a nice dog that…