Republicans (conservatives) hate President Obama more than they love America! The Republicans have gone from the Party of unregulated business, to the party of religious…
Gold: Rep and Doctor Paul Broun, R-GA – more than deserves the Worst Person in the World award today! You must see this video to…
John McCain campaign advisors John Weaver and Steve Smith have been questioned recently about the possibility of Sarah Palin running for president in the next…
The rise of Beck, Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and the rest has correlated almost perfectly with decline of the GOP. David Brooks, Right-wing Media Hosts have…
Countdown brings us the timeline of events which was first brought to Letterman’s awareness when he found a package with a note in his car…
Texas has only Mississippi to thank for not being ranked at the bottom of just about everything that is nasty, dirty and horrible. Especially regarding…
What should be call the crap that spews out of Glenn Beck? Beckisms? Beckers. Or his followers? I like Beckerwoods! The Beckian politics of conspiracy…
Wow, bragging about carrying a giant crucifix in a Smith & Wesson holster. Tea Baggers. This is yet another instance of how polarized this nation…
Gosh, had to laugh like Hell…