“How am I doing? Hey! I’m President! I’m the President! Would you believe it?” As the Republican “party” goes boisterous out on the White House…
God is not a fan of executive orders, he had ten of them himself and the coveting is still going on. When did Christianity become…
Warning! Identity politics! Congress may not care about your healthcare but they sure care about how the airlines treats them. Much like Trumpcare, they can…
These fat rich white guys will some day rue the day the cameras were on them as they laughed and horsed around while not only so…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at the healthcare bill that Republicans, led by Trump and Ryan, rushed through the House of Representatives today. Republicans…
You know how Republicans are such good wordsmiths coming up with new words and slogans so easy for the ignorant to understand? I have one.…
There it is. The best visual of the Republican Party you will ever see.
Ever take one of those online intelligence or IQ tests? As I go through them I often wonder who is the guy that could possible…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look at FBI Director James Comey’s defense of his last-minute election revelations, while Republicans scramble to get their health care…
The American press is sitting on what is possibly the biggest story in decades,yet they are afraid to demand answers of the one person who…
I was watching Chris Matthews last night and heard him say we have to give in to Republicans on matters like School Choice. “I went…
Here we find that The Donald knows almost as much about The Constitution as he does about the Civil War. First Amendment: Congress shall make…
Why has the GOP gone crazy over this tiny naught moment in Stephen Colbert’s 12 minute take down of The Donald that has been done…
Andrew Jackson would have avoided the Civil War, Trump invites Fredrick Douglas to the White House, no one knows why we had the Civil War…
Seth checks in on how nearly 40 years of government deregulation led to the horrific incidents and poor service of airlines today. The good news…