If you had been on the Greek Isle of Crete last Sunday you would have been treated to the vision of 17 rather sturdy and…
Get ready to roll your eyes, we don’t want contact lenses popping out. The gauntlet had been tossed down, Keith Olbermann had issued a gentlemen’s…
HOT for TEACHER! I suppose it should sound sleazy to be celebrating the theme Hot For Teacher with the former teacher and hostess for a…
"It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that’s no joke.I thought this was going to be no big thing..I do not…
Let them all go! All 241 of them! There are a billion of them. 10% hate our guts and 1% actively so. So that is…
The 13 year old Minnesota boy who can be saved from soon dying from cancer if he receives medical attention has been kidnapped by his…
Crazyass Bozo Ron Paul has been given a free ride by the media for far too long. It is about time someone somewhere popped up…
Since 2001 the only demographic group that has increased for the Republican Party are those who go to church once or more times a week.…
Okay, but will it catch on like Tang did in the sixties? I honestly don’t know if Tang was really used aboard by astronauts, but…
Gold Plated Ditz: Glenn Beck. He is either one of the dumbest men on the planet, or the bravest, I fear the facts point to…
It goes without saying that the Republicans are losing the young and the smart, but what is most interesting is that the majority in this…
Jon Stewart Newt Gingrich Interview Part 1 One has to remember that though Ronald Reagan is responsible for handing America over to a hard line…