Be among the first to view the new ad from the White House, to introduce the new, improved travel ban 2.0. This version is said…
The very best thing you may see today begins with a serious interview between Professor Robert E Kelly and the BBC. Everything goes off the…
Advertisement for Impeachara to alleviate TIAD or Trump Induced Anxiety Disorder. A prescription drug containing 40ml of Antitrumpoxizine to relieve anxiety by making you believe Trump…
Everyone reading this today will remember the historical moment when Donald Trump’s presidency reached its high water mark. Think way back to last Tuesday, when…
The media sure fell for Trump’s teleprompter speech to Congress, after all he grabbed no crotches, told only 51 small lies and most importantly did…
The five worst Bills of all time, Cosby, Trumpcare, O’Reilly, Belichick and Buffalo. What Texas Representative Pete Sessions calls it “World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of…
Other than having to blow into a paper bag to even listen to these CPAC silly people, my takeaway from this video is WHO IS…
What is being now sold as “World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017” does have winners and losers. The winners are Millennials who no longer are…
Governor Scott Walker of the Trump State of Wississippi brags that he eats TWO ham and cheese sandwiches each and every day for 26 years.…
On international Women’s Day the Daily Show’s chest dimpled Michelle Wolf reminds us that Ivanka Trump only pretends to be a feminist and a moderate,…
In just one minute Samantha Bee ladyplains the International Women’s Day boycott. What’s missing is it only words for middle class white women who can…
Healthcare has been a controversial issue lately, made even more confusing by Representative Jason Chaffetz suggesting the solution for affording it will be giving up…
Accusing his predecessor President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower is just another of Trump’s fantastical lies, intended as many believe, to draw attention from…
“Just like Jesus said, ‘The poor will always be with us.’ There is a group of people that just don’t want healthcare and aren’t going to…
Calling slaves immigrants, wasting time operating on old people, the alert that we all have brains and that the pyramids were full of Cheerios aside,…