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Trevor Noah makes an immoral fool of Paul Ryan and the “World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017”

Trevor Noah makes an immoral fool of Paul Ryan and the “World's Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017”

Trevor Noah makes an immoral fool of Paul Ryan and the “World's Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017” What is being now sold as “World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017” does have winners and losers. The winners are Millennials who no longer are required to have health insurance to enlarge the field, the wealthy who will gain large tax cuts and the insurance companies who can do most anything they want.

The losers are the poor, the elderly and above all the sick. All of course on the back of Jesus Christ, and in Paul Ryan’s case Pope Francis.

What is most troubling is that The Freedom Caucus now voiced by Rand Paul, want to destroy the “World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017” because it is not draconian enough on the poor, the elderly and the sick. No subsidies or tax credits for those Americans who most need it. In fact if they could get their way, it would not only be Obama care repealed, but Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare and anything else billionaires cannot make deregulated mass profits from. Also in the name of the greatest raw capitalist of all time, Jesus Christ.

But hey, they make Republican governors who have to deal out healthcare, and a few of in Congress, look better than they really are by saying the only way it works is through Medicaid expansion.

The flaw in all this, by Republicans, Democrats and The Media is that every time health care comes into question, the media and some Democrat should be required to respond by explaining the only viable replacement.

A simple, easy to understand explanation of what a Single Payer system is. Throw out Obamacare and Medicaid and give everyone a Medicare card. Instead of 30 years of going nowhere and benefiting few, spend the time on deciding what the payroll tax should be and what the benefits are.

Already most Americans are for a single payers system. If we could move that up to 60% of voters, it could happen.  Perhaps the failure of this “World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017” will get enough people’s attention that America finally joins the rest of the civilized world.

“World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017”  Named by Texas Congressman Pete Sessions.