Calling slaves immigrants, wasting time operating on old people, the alert that we all have brains and that the pyramids were full of Cheerios aside,…
Jimmy Kimmel nails it with a graphic montage of a cool, calm, casual, relaxed and sane Barrack Obama turning his back and walking away from…
We need younger political cartoonists. How many Millennials have a clue as to what this means. Along with all the great movies and books they…
As self help shows, books, lectures and Sunday morning preachers go, this one by Casey Neistat is much more fun. But like all of them…
Focus Comedy’s white spokesman rallies his white brethren. They feel it’s time to stop focusing on oppression by white men, and begin to pay attention…
On CONAN, Trump phones Obama after accusing the former President of wiretapping Trump Tower. If it seems highly improbable that Trump would phone Obama after…
A picture is worth a thousand tweets. After basking in winning over not only 80% of Americans, CNN and The Media for reading a speech…
If Trump accusing Obama of wiretapping his phones were not a big enough crazyass lie for you, 72 hours later we get this from The…
Stephen Colbert takes on Chicken Little Donald over his fact that President Obama tapped his phones. Will shaking keys in front of the self consumed…
Neal Brennan makes four points in the abject over the top hypocrisy of the Republican Party since The Donald won the election. Which of course…
It’s easy to transpose “strawberries” to “Obama wiretapping me” but the power in this scene played so well by Humphrey Bogart from The Caine Mutiny…
The ten major lies from Donald Trump: Arabs Celebrating in New Jersey on 9-11-2001: LIE Barack Obama Born in Kenya: LIE Millions of Illegals Voting…
At least twelve current news headlines can be written about the Russian connections of Trump and his toadies – this week alone! Keith Olbermann lists…
John Oliver travels to India to talk with the Dalai Lama, to get his perspective on China’s unholy persecution of Taiwanese Buddhists, and determination…
We saw Bill Maher Saturday night over in Sugarland at a new 6500 seat venue. Average cost of seat was $80 which comes out to…