Making fun of the disabled is an even better reason to vote for Trump than bragging about grabbing women by the crotch, so say 62…
Just a week into the Trump presidency every day finds more instances of ever more people using the “impeach” word. I also notice that the…
In an eloquent apology to our global neighbors after Donald Trump’s Muslim – immigration ban, Keith Olbermann paints a vivid and moving picture of how…
Seth Meyers takes a closer look the second straight weekend of massive protests against Trump – after he issued a ban on refugees and visitors…
In this video from Mark Twain we find that the people out there are doing a much better at resisting Republicans and The Madman in…
A Donald Trump voice over promotion video for The Netherlands. A tiny country some call Holland where they have tulips, windmills, dykes, marijuana and the…
‘Who is Cleaning House?’ Kellyanne Conway Wants Media Outlets to Fire People Critical of Trump How about instead we fire people critical of the media?…
In this video collage of the 10 most obnoxious fictional characters on TV, none rise to the gawdaful reality of President Donald Trump. As you…
David Letterman saw Donald Trump’s ugly racist side in 2012, when Trump’s disrespect to President Obama was at an all time high. While Dave…
Jake Tapper examines Trump’s first week, spent settling into the Oval Office, which he shares with portraits of his predecessors, who tell us about life…
I took a four year old to this movie and we both laughed through the entire thing, one of the great animated movies that work…
Everything you need to know about the science, history, culture and use of buttocks, butts and booties in a “G” format. Buttocks came up last…
A million and a half people attended Bill Maher’s January 27th monologue! We have our own tea party now! Organized not months after the Black…
I am sure that the takeaway from this Bill Maher editorial will be MEN GET YOUR BALLS OUT OF THE LADY’S PURSE. Which is Bill…
Conan: Trump controls the drones, and is using them to watch Barack Obama play golf, but Trump’s phone calls to Obama haven’t ceased just because…