While he’s usually asking the questions as host on “Real Time with Bill Maher,”Bill sits in the guest chair in this brief segment from MSNBC,…
Seth Meyers looks at Bernie Sander’s late endorsement of Hillary Clinton, and reveals that Bernie was accomplishing great things even as calls for him to…
“Justice Ginsburg of the U S Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me, her mind is shot – resign”…
I am still guessing it will be Chris Christie – who after turning coat to become Donald Trump’s top suck up, is the only one…
Insightful and wickedly funny, Australian comedian Jim Jeffries weighs in on Donald Trump, and proves the adage that we used to laugh at our comedians…
Gretchen Carlson, former Miss America in 1989, and honors graduate from Stanford University, played dumb blonde to Steve Doocy’s dimwit on Fox & Friends until…
And there you have it.
I am now hearing that the answer to the problem of the poorly educated bigoted racist armed Republican base is to patronize them, be nice…
Below is an excerpt from a recent article in the Houston Chronicle about how much time we waste “selfing” in social media and how it…
I wonder if the NRA wets their pant thinking about President Trump, after all it would mean the sale of millions of AR15 to African…
America’s Best Christian™, Mrs Betty Bowers, congratulates the Gun Manufacturers of America at their sales celebration for turning trumped up paranoia and dead school children…
Not sure if this has gone viral but I would guess before the day is done it will, a lone African American mother standing off the…
Does right-wing talk show host, right-wing talk show station owner, millionaire and rabid pro life evangelical fundamentalist Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick look like a…
Our brave liberal (in disguise) Susie Sampson, is back from Politicon, where attendees ranged from Sarah Palin on the far right to Toure and James…
Vacationing John Oliver took a moment from filming his YouTube beauty tutorial on contouring – or ‘Johntouring’ , to read his fan mail, or…