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Pastor Urges Men To Destroy All Smut! – That’s Porn,Guys. Deon Cole on Conan O’Brien

Pastor Urges Men To Destroy All Smut! - That's Porn,Guys.        Deon Cole Conan O'Brien

Pastor Jay Dennis wants all men to delete all their prom & toss their computer. It is implied that you scour your tablets and smart phones too…See, we know how you think.  Deon Cole wishes him ‘good luck with that, Padre.’ Pastor Jay hopes the movement will swell into The Million Man Pledge.’ You can’t do anything noteworthy without at least a million men these days.  He is convinced that smut is our number one problem in this country, from which all other problems grow.  Oddly, during Prohibition alcohol was the demoralizing agent in this society.   Back to promography. You must find it ALL and destroy it – rout it out, I tell you! Ladies, if your man is a follower of Pastor Jay, and has voiced his intention to comply, he may be tied up searching his files and literature collection…For a while.