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The Repubic Anal Party Poem, FOD

repubic anual partyNow there is some name calling putting even Talk Radio hosts and Fox News to shame. Takes me back…

When Political Correctness hit the body politic mostly through Rush Limbaugh and Right-wing talk radio, I realized the power of it. At it’s core was that Liberals are Nazis who  not only tell us what we can say, but what we are allowed to think. It all began with an African American college girl who found a note under her dorm room door saying “GET OUT NWORD.” She complained to the university. Conservative noise makers picked up on it and Political Correctness was born. Sadly it became the most effective propaganda ploy in American history moving millions upon millions of Independents and once Democrats into the belly of the Republican Beast. No one likes a finger shaking in their face.

At that time in the late 1980s, there was a difference between Republicans and Conservatives and I used the term “conservative” in my writing rather than “Republican”. That no longer holds true. They are now one in the same.

The results of political incorrectness is scolding, finger pointing, classes, and if extremely offensive a possible loss of a job. On the other hand, conservative incorrectness often results in fists, guns, courts and the click of jail cell doors.

In Sacramento in 1987 before the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE was overturned and Rush Limbaugh had not yet found syndication, a caller to his local radio show used the term FEMINAZI which he picked up and made the basis of his rhetoric for decades. Women striving for equal rights are Nazis.The word is now in constant use and in all English dictionaries.

In response I coined the term Conservanazi. I used it daily for a decade, in fact this website was once called Conservatively Incorrect. No one ever picked up on, even ONCE. I am such a mover and shaker it should scare your pants off!

There is much better cause to put the NAZI suffix upon conservatives than liberals. In fact one of my first articles here made the point. Naziwords.