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Republican Global Warming Hoax, Lukovich cartoon

global warming

Same joke applies to their denial of  evolution, that their opposition to gay marriage is not bigotry, and above all that SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS works –  the more we cut taxes on the wealthy the more money and jobs trickle down on the rest of us.  I am at a loss to find anything from the GOP bag of crap more dishonest than that. We can all see it. Wealthy income has sky rocketed in magnitudes, middle class incomes drop or are stagnant while poverty rates grow. It’s much like global warming and evolution in that anyone can just look out the window and see reality. Even gay marriage we find that when we meet them they are just like everyone else.

How does the GOP get away with denying the obvious reality in such matters?  There are two reasons. Citizen’s United which now allows no limits on funding political propaganda. And of course, Republicans understand that people who so easily accept – and talk to – invisible flying creatures in the firmament will believe anything they tell them.